Your personal guide to everything Desmos.

Our Mission

We are two seniors at The Bay School of San Francisco, an independent high school neighboring the Golden Gate Bridge. As math enthusiasts, we found Desmos Graphing Calculator to be an incredibly powerful tool throughout our numerous math classes and in taking standardized tests like the SAT.

In 2023, College Board changed the SAT from pencil and paper to digital. Included in this transition was the introduction of a new tool that completely changed the way students approached SAT math: Desmos. While this was great for many students who were already acquainted with Desmos (like us!), many of our friends and even tutors were completely unfamiliar with the calculator. Seeing that quality tutorials (particularly directed towards tests like the SAT) were scarce and often lacked essential information online, we came to the idea of a universally accessible, free online Desmos guide targeted towards high school students.

Now, a few years after the pandemic, an increasing number of colleges and universities are returning to requiring standardized testing. Together, we are committed to ensuring that students pursuing higher education, or who simply want to express their love of mathematics, have a fair chance to learn the things they need to succeed.

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